Is this an overblown dairy that I’ll forget to use after a week?
You bet your ass it is. Generally speaking, I’m not one to share my thoughts, which may sound weird to those that know me, because I tend to be loud when I do talk.
But I don’t usually find myself going out of my way to express opinions or share my thoughts unless someone goes out of their way to ask them of me. I don’t leave comments on YouTube, no reblogs or retweets (reposts now, I guess. Fuck X, seriously) no reviews, likes- nothing.
Fuck if I know. It’s not like it takes some grand effort out of me to SMASH THAT LIKE BUTTON AND SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE or whatever. Hell, on the opposite end I love getting likes and reading comments on my art (from the few I get), but then I go and not do the same? One reason is that I oftentimes find myself with fuck-all to say.
Second reason reason I can come up with is that I feel like there is some ethereal being that judges me whenever I do engage with something. Whenever I press Like or Reblog my first thought is “what would others think of me when they see this is something I liked?” instead of simply “I like this thing.”It’s dumb. I know no one’s gonna come later and ask me “Hey Skyber why did you like this post?” but for some reason I just anticipate it and it gets me to just, not say anything unless I have something that I REALLY want to say. And that’s rare.
So why make a blog then?
Kneejerk reaction if anything.
I’m a jew, I’m not going to say no to free stuff. So when my good friend (hi lucio) (hello, I programmed this)
asked (demanded) (<3)
that I make a blog I said SURE. And here we are.
Maybe this will help me get my thoughts is order. I’m kinda scatterbrained, I tend to forget things. I WILL forget to write here. Having all of my notes in one place could be nice and who knows; maybe it’ll help me step outside of my little corner and express myself more and process my thoughts in a more tangible way.